Designaholic | Concurso Infiniti digital art en Designboom


Concurso Infiniti digital art en Designboom

Nuestros amigos de Designboom nos acaban de mandar información acerca de su nuevo concurso de diseño en conjunto con Infiniti en donde invitan a creativos de todo tipo, nacionalidad y escolaridad a diseñar una instalación para interior ó exterior para los showrooms de la compañía. Más información a continuación.


participants are asked to design
– an interior installation piece
– and/or digital artwork for a building facade
to become the unforgettable star of showroom opening events throughout europe,
artworks will bring new ideas and emotions to visitors.

the INFINITI DIGITAL ART COMPETITION will take place over the course of one year.
each of three entry periods focuses on one element of the INFINITI brand,
which your creativity will transform into the theme of an innovative or interactive installation.

what will the winning creations look like? your capabilities and imagination will decide.
submissions may take the form of interactive digital installations or sculptures,
visual projections on INFINITI’s buildings, 3D mapping experiments, or other exciting new media works,
you will be able to use Microsoft Surfaces if you want.

we encourage artists to submit projects that include both a design intended for exterior projection,
as well as one for interior installation, but submissions may also be composed of just one of these.

the use of digital media should be fundamental to the artwork: submissions that use video projection
only as a mean to display print or physical works will not be considered relevant.


Para más información del concurso, requerimientos, premios y registro (gratuito) visiten la página de Designboom del concurso aquí. Tiene hasta el 8 de Julio de 2011 para subir sus proyectos.


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